Ethereum-Binance Smart chain bridge is Live on OpenBiSea!

Ethereum-Binance Smart chain bridge is Live on OpenBiSea!

The Ethereum-Binance Smart chain bridge has launched on OpenBiSea! OpenBiSea is the first most accessible place to convert your NFT/tokens and swap back later. The bridge is beneficial for selling cheap tokens.

Deployed in Ethereum blockchain, the bridge smart contract can hold Ethereum-based assets (NFT, ERC20) and mint the same on Binance smart chain and vise versa. Using the OpenBiSea bridge, you can trade NFT without high Ethereum fees but with the same ownership value on Ethereum.

Within the OpenBiSea smart contracts and mobile app, you can simply convert your NFT/ERC20 tokens -

Learn all the benefits you can get using the Ethereum-Binance Smart chain bridge!