How to convert your assets from Ethereum to Binance Smart chain and vice versa


Go to the ETH-BSC Bridge

On the OpenBiSea home page click the ETH-BSC Bridge link from the upper menu. In the opened page, click Start Conversion.


Connect your wallet

Click the Connect wallet button. If you have installed your wallet in a browser, just select it and enter a password. Otherwise, use WalletConnect to scan the QR code to connect your wallet.


Check the ETH asset contract registration

To check whether the ETH asset contract is registered or not, specify the ETH asset contract address in the first field and the asset type - in the second one. Click Check.● If the contract is registered, you can swap assets. ● If the contract is NOT registered, you can register it.


Register the ETH asset contract (optional)

You can skip this step if your ETH asset contract is registered. If the contract is NOT registered, you need to register it first to be able to convert the assets. Click the Register contract button. 


Specify amount and tokenID of the ETH asset

To specify assets you want to convert, set the following values:● amount - for ERC20 and ERC1155. If you use ERC721, set 1 into this field.● tokenID - for ERC721 and ERC1155. Leave this field empty for ERC20.


Convert from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain

Your wallet should be connected to the Etherium network to perform this conversion. To use the converter, you need to allow OpenBiSea to spend your ETH asset tokens. Use Approve ETH button for this. You can specify the maximum spend limit or leave it unlimited (default). Click Confirm. Now you can convert from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain. Click Convert ETH.You'll see the "Transaction is in progress.." message. When the transaction is finished, you can Check the status


Convert from Binance Smart Chain to Ethereum  

Your wallet should be connected to the Binance Smart Chain to perform this conversion. To use the converter, you need to allow OpenBiSea to spend your BSC asset tokens. Use Approve BSC button for this. You can specify the maximum spend limit or leave it unlimited (default). Click Confirm. Now you can convert from Binance Smart Chain to Ethereum. Click Convert BSC.You'll see the "Transaction is in progress.." message. When the transaction is finished, you can Check the status